"Makers Line" from Schneider receives the German Brand Award 2022 for outstanding brand work

As a traditional German manufacturer, Schneider continuously and consistently invests in the development of its brand. Every thought is worth writing down: With ballpoint pens, markers, rollerballs, fountain pens & many more, the Schneider brand has stood for writing instruments made in Germany for over 80 years. The Schneider brand enjoys an international reputation and has already received repeated awards for excellent brand work.
With new, high-quality products, Schneider's product portfolio is now broader than ever and aims to reach a new target group in the growing Do-It-Yourself market. The creative individualists who want to realise themselves and their very own ideas are to be optimally addressed.
An individual sub-brand with a self-made look called "Makers Line" is the result of joint brand strategy considerations in cooperation with the brand agency Schmelter Brand Design from Munich. Although the affiliation to the umbrella brand is unmistakable, the "Makers Line" remains independent. Unconventional, courageous, lively and at eye level: „Makers’ minds cannot be tamed. We can only set them free!“ is the slogan. A dedicated website, maker stories, campaigns and the use of various social media channels of the "Makers Line" support sales at the POS in communication.
This successful commitment has now been recognised with the renowned German Brand Award in the category „Excellent Brands“ for outstanding brand work. The German Brand Award is a competition of the German Brand Institute, which was founded by the German Design Council and GMK Markenberatung (brand consultung).
The German Brand Award is open to companies, agencies, service providers and marketeers as well as non-commercial and governmental organisations from all industries worldwide. The expert panels of the German Design Council decide on admission to the competition. This process ensures the independence and excellence of the award. The independent, interdisciplinary jury is composed of companies, science, consulting, services and agencies.
On 9 June 2022, the winners of the German Brand Awards are honoured in Berlin. More than 700 invited guests from the creative industries, politics and the media accept the exclusive invitation, which additionally leads to a high level of attention and reach for Schneider's "Makers Line". The publication of the award winners on the website of the German Brand Institute will follow shortly.