Made in Germany


Longing for country life? This is something you usually only feel if you didn’t grow up there. Steffi wanted to get out into the world and let her creativity blossom.

Life in a village is usually quiet. Not that easy if you want to step out of line. Steffi always loved to draw at school, because one thing was clear to her: Career at the bank in the countryside? Definitely not; she’d rather do something creative. It drove her out into the world. First to Vienna, then Munich. To Berlin, then back to Munich again. The first job brought her to a fashion label. The pressure there was high, and the creative aspect of the job became less and less fun. She asked herself: “Do I really want to work like this forever?”

That was the time to distance herself a bit. Spending a month travelling through Portugal by bus helped Steffi to break free. No laptop, no more “having” to do anything. And the creativity came back all by itself. She knew she wanted to work as an illustrator and textile designer, but in her very own way. Her personal conclusion: Life lines may not always be dead straight, but detours will get there too. All by yourself, in time. When will you set out to discover your own creativity?

Find your inspiration, tackle your project and give free rein to your creativity.

Steffi, Munich

Is there a maker within you too?

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