
Brand banderole

Write & Mark / Highlight

The brand banderole is a graphic element that serves to place the brand mark and is basically used in all communication media.

#1. Step

The first question you need to ask: What do you want to design – cover, product packaging or online banner? Then take the logo and choose the size sensibly in terms of format and medium. The format width is less than 140 mm? Then please use the vertical version of the logo.

#2. Step

Now place the dark blue area behind the logo and determine the height of the brand banderole. The minimum here is the protective zone of the logo.

#3. Step

Almost done! Now all you have to do is place the brand banderole correctly in the format and position our “Made in Germany” slogan according to the rules.

This was a quick guide – if you scroll down you will find more details about the brand banderole and its application.

Size and positioning

The brand banderole can be extended downwards and upwards. However, it must not be smaller than the protection zone. You are basically free to place it vertically on the format. However, in many functional applications (e. g. at the PoS) the position is fixed. The scaling of image and text elements to deviating sizes should be done in consultation with the person responsible from the Marketing and Communication Department.

Set-up of the brand banderole

From the coloured area in the background to the “Made in Germany” at the top right: Only all the individual components together make the brand banderole complete. The visual centre of the banderole is the logo in the middle. You can find all the details about the structure in this overview:

Application examples

To get a better feel for how to use the brand banderole, you can see various examples of use here. The logo is always placed at the top of catalogues and in the centre of advertisements in DIN A4 format.

Makers Line

If you want to use the Makers Line brand banderole, the same basic guidelines apply as in the “Write & Mark/Highlight” section.

Horizontal execution

The Makers Line brand banderole should preferably be placed in the centre of the format. This applies primarily to advertisements, posters and videos (e. g. in a Maker Story). If the motif requires it, the brand banderole can also be positioned at the bottom of the image. Please refer to the guidelines for the brand banderole of “Write & Mark/Highlight”.

Vertical execution

This variation is preferred for slim media formats such as online banners and packaging. When using the horizontal version, attention must be paid to the positioning. Please refer to the guidelines for the brand banderole of “Write & Mark/Highlight”.

Application examples

To get a better feel for how to use the brand banderole, you can see some exemplary examples of its use in print, online and packaging.

Promotional pens

In the section of promotional writing instruments, the same brand banderole is used as for “Write & Mark/Highlight”. Please comply with the applicable guidelines when placing the banderole.


All brand banderole for download

Write & Mark/Highlight

Horizontal .indd
Vertical .indd

Makers Line

Horizontal .indd
Vertical .indd