Burnout had completely derailed Peter. Then, the Simpsons helped him get back on track.
Big projects, high pressure, fast pace. As project manager in the finance business, Peter really set into it – with a lot of initiative and commitment. At some point it was simply too much. Diagnosis: Burnout. The reason: Permanent stress. Peter had to act. He took some time off and went to therapy. There they suggested he find an offline activity – one that would teach him how to focus again and to regain his inner balance.
Painting scenes from the “Simpsons” wasn’t something he had to think about too much. To this day, he can remember the very first day he saw the show as a six-year-old. When he paints, everything around him just disappears. It’s a form of meditation for him.
The other day, one of his sketches went viral. Someone even had it tattooed on their arm! Yet he doesn’t think of himself as anyone special – just a guy who likes to paint characters from his favourite TV show. What would he therefore like to pass on to other makers? “So if right now you’re thinking, you could do this: Well, yes, you can! All you have to do: You just have to start”.
We all have great ideas within! We just have to let them flow.
Peter, Amsterdam