Softly highlighted - new pastel colours of the highlighter Job

Schneider now offers a new highlight for bullet-journaling and pastel colour fans: the popular and award-winning highlighter Job is now available in six soft new pastel colours.
Too girly or kitsch? No way! The so-called ice cream colours in combination with a striking handwriting with a fountain pen, rollerball or ballpoint pen can have a brilliant effect and the words highlighted with pastel shades are really refreshing. As with the neon colours, Schneider offers the usual colour brilliance of the Job family with the new pastel colours. Not only is the colour brilliance excellent, but also the design of the entire pen, as the highlighter has already won the Red Dot and the IF Design Award for its shape. The new highlighters are available in the colours turquoise, mint, vanilla, peach, lilac and rosé.
Schneider is particularly proud of these new colours. Not only because they are refreshingly soft and expand the colour range reaching even more creative fans, but also because the manufacturer develops and produces the colours itself. Since February Schneider has its own ink laboratory including ink production. From now on, both the bright neon colours and the new soft colours are produced by Schneider.
All inks in the Job family comply with the EN 713 toy standard, the colours are also bright and light resistant and work on normal, copy and fax paper. The highlighters mark with a chisel tip in two line widths of 1 and 5 mm. The markers are available in the display and in a wallet with four or six markers.
So for those who think neon-orange is too shrill, choose the subtle peach or vanilla variant and add tender highlights to your agenda.