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Link-It is perfect for spicing up agendas and bullet journals.
A simple notebook becomes an individual art folder with charm and character using Schneiders new Link-It pens.

One Link-It for every occasion.
Ballpoint pen, highlighter, fineliner and fibre pen can be easily linked - and separated again. With its variety of colours and its different writing systems, it is the perfect pen to be used for drawings of all kind.

Eyecatching “Link-It” tower for the retail market
For retailers Schneider presents its brand new and attractive rotatable POS display, including a testing pad with 280 different pens, plus 12 filled and 6 unfilled pen boxes for 8 pieces for individual mixing and matching.

Schneider has launched two new Link-It writing systems to mix and match: The popular easy gliding Slider ballpoint pen and a brilliant highlighter!
The exciting mix and match of colours and different types of pens can be combined in individual sets (bundles) for school, studies and the office.

Link-It is perfect for spicing up agendas and bullet journals
Texts can be written perfectly with the popular Slider ballpoint pen. At the same, important text passages can be highlighted with the same pen- Just flip the pen and use the second tip! The fibre pen is great for underlining and colouring and the ...