Stéphane, Nice
With verve into adventure
From Nice to Reykjavík: Stéphane emigrated six years ago and rediscovered his love of hand lettering.
Get up in the morning and go to work. Work eight hours at your desk. Eat something after work, check and do things. Thus is the daily routine every week. Light, dark, light, dark – then it's Monday again. And everything restarts from the beginning. Now and then the following question pops up: “Is that what I really want to do?”. We probably all wish to break out of the familiar from time to time. Just to leave everything behind and start somewhere new. Open a complete new chapter in life. The charm of the unknown is tempting, adventure is calling! To think about it, is one thing, but to actually do it, another one. Stéphane, he did it.
His marketing job was internationally oriented and exciting, but also very stressful. „Get out of this wheel, out of this endless loop" was his motto. That's why his family and he packed their bags six years ago and turned their backs on their life in Nice. Together they exchanged the warm, shimmering light of the Côte d'Azur for the dancing colour veils of the Northern Lights in Iceland.

Stéphane’s story
Even as a child, he had dreamed of becoming a sign painter. In times of printers and computers, this profession seems a little out of date today. But his love for it has remained. What he loves best is to put on headphones, turn up the sound and get going on his sketchbook.


Giving words expression
This change was a liberation for Stéphane and at the same time an opportunity to rediscover his own creativity. Even as a child, he had dreamed of becoming a sign painter. In times of printers and computers, this profession seems a little out of date today. But his love for it has remained, his love for shapes, letters, details. What he loves best is to put on headphones, turn up the sound and get going on his sketchbook: then the melodies he hears become dancing letters on the paper. Chords become hatchings, rhythms become shapes. He immerses himself in the flow of his own creativity.
Stéphane's partner Emilie runs a café in Reykjavík. He contributes there, among other things, his talent for hand lettering. Together they have built up something that fulfils them – high up in the north of Europe, in the midst of the mystical world of trolls, elves and other mythical creatures. Sometimes you only find your roots in a foreign country. Far from home, you discover what you are actually meant for. Have the courage to find your own creative destiny! Who should be able to stop you from this journey except yourself?
Stéphane's preference

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