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The 6 new pastel shades of the popular and award-winning highlighter Job from Schneider in the attractive counter display.
The trendy pastel highlighters are available individually in the display or in a wallet with four or six markers.

With the new pastel colours of the highlighter Job, notes can be highlighted in a particularly soft way.
So for those who think neon-orange is too shrill, choose the subtle peach or vanilla variant and add tender highlights to your agenda.

The highlighter Job in the delicate pastel colours peach and rosé.
Too girly or kitsch? No way! The so-called ice cream colours in combination with a striking handwriting with a fountain pen, rollerball or ballpoint pen can have a brilliant effect and the words highlighted with pastel shades are really refreshing.

Schneider now offers a new highlight for bullet-journaling and pastel colour fans: the popular and award-winning highlighter Job is now available in six soft new pastel colours.
The 6 new and delicate pastel shades of the Job highlighter are perfect for bullet journals.

Schneider's latest piece of art, the Glam VIP, is very trendy with its marble look, underlining the high value of the fountain pens.
The VIP series is available in four different colours: Mineral Black, Mineral Blue, Mineral Pink and Mineral White.