Press releases

E-Mobility: On the „green mile“ with the fully electric Volkswagen E-Up or the two new hybrid cars
July 23, 2015

Bit by bit a little greener

The writing instruments manufacturer Schneider in the Black Forrest continues on the „green mile“. After purchasing a first fully electric Volkswagen E-Up for the company fleet, another two ecologically friendly cars were bought. Whereas the ...

Schneider trainees  saying THANK YOU to the donors
July 23, 2015

Schneider employees donate € 1,000 for earthquake victims in Nepal

Following the terrible news of the severe earthquake in Nepal Schneider trainees organised a bake sale in the Schneider canteen to gather money for the victims. Employees from all departments were asked to bake and donate a cake for the sale. The ...

Slider Touch: ballpoint pen with touch function
July 17, 2015

Slider has the magic touch

Now, Schneider has put the icing on the cake, or rather Schneider has put a soft touch tip on the barrel end to operate perfectly on capacitive screens of smartphones and tablets! The ballpoint tip lets you put your ideas down on paper while the soft...

Applause for the introduction of the rollerball series One
March 12, 2015

Impressive product launch with delighted customers

On the first day of the Paperworld fair, 31 January 2015, Schneider had invited the international representatives to a special product introduction. What exactly they were going to present was kept a secret until that day.

Schneider One – The new-generation rollerball
March 5, 2015

Schneider One – The new-generation rollerball

“The most noble and honorable task we have in our life is the upbringing of the next generation.“ This quote of an unknown author has become the mission statement for the further development of our already established and popular Rollerball Liquid-Ink...