Press releases

Schneider's expectations for the 2022 business year?
New year, new luck. “New" per se is already positive and exciting...starting anew into a still undescribed year 2022 means filling it with new ideas, plans, resolutions, hopes, goals, and doing so with energy and dynamism - these are high ...

Vizz - Schneider ballpoint pen with innovative Gelco® technology.
Why be drab when it can be colourful? Schneider brings colour into life and not only that. Schneider not only offers a different ballpoint pen, but also one that immediately surprises while writing. It glides extremely easily over the paper, ...

Live out your creative side. Your own masterpiece with Schneider Makers Line Paint-It 020 metallic liners.
With its new "Makers Line" product series, Schneider Schreibgeräte takes care of the many hidden talents in our society and gives them the right products to work individually. Anyone can, may, start immediately with the new Paint-It 020 metallic ...

Live out your creative side. Your own masterpiece with Schneider Makers Line Paint-It 010/011 metallic markers.
With its new "Makers Line" product series, Schneider Schreibgeräte takes care of the many hidden talents in our society and gives them the right products to work individually. Everyone can start right away with the new Paint-It 010 and 011 metallic ...

Schneider Fineliner Pictus with metal encased writing tip.
Feel like drawing, painting, sketching and writing? And with a new product from Schneider Schreibgeräte, "100% made in Germany" and "85% made of" recycled plastic? With the new Pictus fineliner, you can express yourself finely and precisely but ...