Schneider digital exhibition stand

A travel of discovery...Schneider now offers a digital exhibition stand for its sustainable promotional products on the website Brands need brand-name ballpoint pens ( Visitors can find out more on a virtual tour of the stand, independent of time and place. In the virtual space, visitors will find easily accessible valuable and comprehensive information on new products, their printing options and colours, or on topics such as company and product policy. Videos, catalogue, flyers and brochures are available for download. A contact person with a business card including telephone and email address is available. An appointment for a personal consultation may be arranged. Visitors simply click on the objects of interest. With the arrow keys the stand can be moved or enlarged, with the mouse the stand can be rotated, different pages can be turned. Since due to various trade fair cancellations and the necessary contact avoidance, personal meetings had to be greatly reduced, so alternatively here to the digital trade fair stand and impulse generator.