The new brand image of Schneider bears fruit.

Almost two years after the implementation of the new corporate design, the presence and sales of Schneider products in trade have increased significantly.
In September 2010, Schneider appeared in public with a completely new brand identity. With a clear and distinctive design the image as an international and innovative company was sharpened. The perception of Schneider products within the mass of colorful pens was simultaneously optimized by introducing a new display concept, which ranges from small modular counter displays up to a shop-in-shop module.
„Schneider – write it“. This new claim including the incitement transmits the essence of the philosophy of Schneider. Every thought is worth writing down - a Schneider pen is always ready for it when you need one, your constant and reliable companion in everyday life. The broad range of products for different applications is symbolized in the new logo which is a bundle of lines in different line widths.
The new Schneider brand identity was impressively presented at Paperworld 2011 and 2012. It was not just the nice looks, but also included new innovative products which underscored the commitment of Schneider as a specialist for everyday writing.
The Slider Family with the exceptionally easy gliding Viscoglide ® technology or the new cartridge roller Breeze find a high level of positive response at retailers and consumers and made for significant growth. In 2010 as well as in 2011 Schneider has increased sales by good ten percent. The shop-in-shop modules were sold and placed in trade more than a thousand times and Slider is listed among the Top Ten of top-selling ballpoint pens in the GFK-List.
To make sure that the good sales of this product family continue and expand, Schneider promotes it on roadshows, billboards, competitions, Internet and Facebook campaigns and much more.
Sustainability is firmly anchored in the brand essence of Schneider. Manifestation of this is the certification by the world's most stringent environmental management system EMAS. Schneider produces and develops solely in Germany and can therefore guarantee outstanding product quality and compliance with demanding ecological and social standards. These aspects are more and more considered by consumers in their purchasing decisions. With the Environmental Statement, Schneider ensures absolute transparency of all direct and indirect effects that arise during production.